2020 the year that challenged us all !
Covid-19 has had an immeasurable impact on the event industry especially because our entire purpose is to bring people together to share experiences, network, build relationships, engage, celebrate and educate.
The landscape has changed and the way in which we organise, host and produce events will forever be different. This, however, will not put an end to bringing people together albeit in smaller groups with responsible social distancing for the foreseeable months.
This year we feel now more than ever there will be a greater need to reward and engage employees, suppliers & customers. After such a lengthy period of displacement in the workplace there is only so much we can gain from a Zoom call or virtual interaction.
So we have customised our approach to this years festive period to ensure we are delivering venue solutions in-line with the Government guidelines on mass gatherings and events. This has a huge effect on large Christmas / Holiday Parties where numbers are in excess of 200 guests. In fact with this in mind we have done vast amounts of research to bring you venues that have exclusive and smaller Private Dining Rooms that are perfectly suitable for departmental festive events.
It's vital we continue to be responsible but at the same time reward ourselves, our employees, suppliers and customers for their dedication and loyalty through the trying times we've all endured and bring a positive outlook to a newer and brighter year ahead.
Managed by Event Venue Management Ltd. A proud member of